Weather Underground. Dark at 5:45pm – No. Engine Parts Are Overrated. Kudos To Atlanta United. Baseball Apathy. Dia De Los Muertos. A Purple Heart.
- Orlando, Florida temps today, obviously significant if you spend time in this area: High 78. Low 65. Heaven.

- ‘Dancing in the Dark” – not only a classic Bruce Springsteen song but the reality of daylight savings time going away until March 8th of next year. A few of my readers know how I despise the end of daylight savings time as it leads to four months of darkness. Below is a contrarian view.
- Delta Airlines thought they avoided the ongoing Boeing 737 Max issue as they did not participate with ordering that problematic aircraft. After further review, Delta probably does have aircraft issues as well, as they decided to purchase a fleet of Airbus A220 aircraft. A decision that seemed like a good one until two weeks ago, when Swiss Air was forced to ground all of its 29 Airbus A220 aircraft. It seems that one of these planes had to perform an emergency landing on its way to Geneva. Why? Pieces of the engine started to fall off somewhere over France. Yes, I said pieces of the engine. “Delta is ready when you are.”

- Atlanta United – after winning the championship in 2018 you came back this season without your best player, a new manager, a ridiculous schedule and too many injuries. With all that, you still won two Cups and got to the league semifinal. Well done. Come back stronger next year. #ATLUTD
- The Washington Nationals, to the dismay of many of their fans, refused to give their star outfielder Bryce Harper a long-term mega deal, and Harper eventually was signed by the Philadelphia Phillies. The Nationals, after a rough start to the season, went on to win the World Series…..a clear message to all general managers.
- I like Mexico. Especially Mexico City as I have been there a few times for business. I like Club America, the ‘Dallas Cowboys’ of Mexico’s first division. I like most of the Mexican people I have met – they are warm, friendly and have always invited me to join them in their almost daily ritual of celebrating something. Speaking of celebrating, most Mexicans have an annual two-day festival with the central theme of “Dia De Los Muertos” – or “Day of the Dead” – and though this celebration always falls around Halloween, these two have nothing to do with each other. Here is how Mexicans describe their Dia De Los Muertos: Many of us see death as a sad event but those who celebrate Day of the Dead view death as a welcomed part of life. That is why you will see brightly colored skeletons and skulls everywhere during the holiday. They often are seen smiling, as a friendly nod to death, even mocking death. This view of death began way back during the one month Aztec festival where they celebrated the dead and paid homage to the lady of death, Mictlancíhuatl, who protected their departed loved ones and helped them in the afterlife. I am not religious but do have a lot of faith, so if this is a positive path forward to recognize and never forget the dead – so be it.

- By definition, the Purple Heart is a medal awarded for wounds received in action against an enemy or as a direct result of an act of the enemy. There is speculation, due to an asinine military regulation, that a hero of last week’s capture and subsequent elimination of the world’s most feared terrorist, who was injured in this incredibly dangerous mission, will not receive the Purple Heart. Here is an excerpt from the military press conference held right after the successful mission, and the comments of Marine Corps General Frank McKenzie, the commander of U.S. Central Command: “At sprint speed, Conan chased ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to the end of a tunnel under the compound. Conan is a four-year veteran of the SOCOM program, and has participated in 50 combat missions. She was injured by exposed live electrical cables in the tunnel after Baghdadi detonated his suicide vest. I will also note that she has already returned to active duty.” Let’s get this straight. Conan is part of Delta Force. She has completed 50 missions. She forced the world’s most feared terrorist to blow himself up. She was wounded as a direct result of an act of the enemy. Read the definition of the Purple Heart. Does this soldier not deserve this prestigious award?

Adios, pay if forward, and have a Funday Sunday!