A Few Short Takes To Start Off The Month.
It is Labor Day weekend. The U.S. Open and college football are in play, and worldwide, the other football is also in full swing. Here are a few things I think I think as we move into the Fall, Halloween, and the year-end holiday season:
- I have belabored the point of electric cars and what seems to be a suspect power grid infrastructure. I have also discussed California’s directive regarding the year 2035 and their stance on no further sales of gasoline-powered cars. Then we read that on Friday of last week the state of California has requested that all electric car owners slow their rate of charging their cars – because the state’s power grid is failing due to extreme heat. Make your own assessment of this situation.
- It is okay to shower in Jackson, Mississippi. It is not okay to open your mouth while showering. The city’s water treatment facility is not working and has been out of order for five days. This is 2022, right?
- Orlando City meets Sacramento this Wednesday night in the U.S. Open final at Orlando’s Exploria Stadium. This game has been sold out for weeks, and it is Orlando City’s first opportunity to earn silverware. Get it done Orlando City!

- I felt really bad for the 300,000 people who made their way to the space coast for last Monday’s launch of Artemis I. I did find it strange that after all the testing and performance protocols, issues with a hydrogen bleed line did not rear its ugly head until forty minutes before launch. The news yesterday was not any better as NASA once again scrubbed the launch, with the projected launch window to be determined at a later date.
- I do not know the details of climate change. What I do know is that many bodies of water in the United States, including Nevada’s Lake Mead, are drying up at a very fast rate. At the same time one third of Pakistan is under water due to massive flooding. Regarding the climate, make it a point to visit Death Valley, California in the next few days to enjoy temperatures reaching 125°F. Seriously, what the hell is going on? (No pun intended.)

- Serena Williams. An amazing professional tennis career. It will be interesting how she enjoys being a mom and manages her business enterprises, including her venture capital firm.
- The Napoleon complex at its finest. Vladimir Putin did not bother attending yesterday’s funeral of Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Union’s last leader. A snub or just Putin’s narcissistic mind and manner?
- How does everyone feel about the updated Covid-19 boosters?
- Headline of the week: “More than 40% of Americans think civil war is likely within a decade.”
- Labor Day is tomorrow. Celebrated on the first Monday of September, Labor Day is designated to pay tribute to the achievements of American workers. As always, a special tribute to all healthcare workers and first responders. Please everyone, fly your flag.
- This time of year can be great with the summer behind us and all the good things the Fall brings. Speaking of good, this band earned more than fifty Gold and Platinum albums and sold over 100 million albums worldwide, earning them a solid spot as one of best selling music artists of all-time. I have seen Earth, Wind, & Fire twice, and it is amazing that they can play for two hours and you know every song they play.