As We Head To The End Of January.
After the last two posts discussing and questioning the information offered up to us with Covid-19 and variants, I will stand down. There is discussion that the Omicron variant will dissipate over the next few weeks. Let’s hope so – as well as hoping that no future variants come to fruition.

There are a lot of things that have generated partisanship, and I am not talking about politics. The division of thought in this country is alarming, with a go-to feeling of discontent. I don’t pay attention to anything that has to do with politics, so I will relent to an overall realm of socio-economics that are driving people to be incredibly territorial. As we somehow are already heading into the second month of 2022, I jotted down thirty-four names/words for us to ponder:
Ukraine-Biden-Inflation-Bulldogs-TikToc-Manchin-BioTech-SpaceX Russia-N95-Jeopardy-DeSantis-Covid-19-Bitcoin-Flights-Djokovic-ICU Trump-Testing-Supply-FinTech-5G -Moderna-Putin-Symptoms-Boris MLK-Giuliani-Brady-Poitier-Streaming-Ted Lasso-Peloton-Playoffs
Barbara Eden played the role of Jeannie in the American sitcom “I Dream of Jeannie.” Nevermind the way she looked in that scantily clad genie outfit – it was her ability to magically make things happen that kept my brother and I watching this show. I am no Jeannie, but here are a few things I would like to make happen:
- If I could, I would lock the heads of the W.H.O and the CDC, as well as Dr. Fauci in a room for a week – or until they all agreed on the guidance and protocols needed to combat Covid-19, and the existing and future variants.
- If I could, I would really like to help the people of Tonga and it’s outer islands. A catastrophe of major proportion happened last Saturday, and not many people are talking about the devastation caused by a volcanic eruption.

U.S. Department of Energy
- If I could, I would slow down the calendar a bit. It is a bit strange that XMAS and New Year’s just passed us by and we are already at the end of January.
- If I could, perpetrators of hate crimes would all be placed together and housed at Brazil’s Carandiru Penitentiary. Simply put, Carandiru is the world’s most violent and deadly prison. Too harsh? Too bad.
- If I could, I would take some time to listen to Meat Loaf’s “Bat Out of Hell” album. He was different and irreverent to say the least.
- If I could, I would like to sit down with the leaders of these countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. The agenda would be Russia and Vladimir Putin. The desired outcome of the meeting would be to teach Putin a lesson once and for all.
- If I could, I would purchase some Great Clips coupons – most of them would be sent to the one and only Boris Johnson.
While I mentioned that there seems to be a general aura of discontent in this country, I bring you Rico. Vacationing at the Cincinnati Zoo, Rico brings us joy, peace, and the key word, content. Turn up the volume while you watch Rico devour some corn on the cob:
The countdown is on! Nine weeks to go to Daylight Savings Time. 🙂
your idea for a meeting to try and teach Vlad a lesson will never work. Ukraine used to have nukes when it was part of the USSR, the West guaranteed its sovereignty over its border in exchange for giving them up. Look what happened!! This is why weird regimes will never, ever give up their nukes. Ukraine might be Vlad’s new Afghanistan…. Let’s hope.