The Sunday Cynic. v4

A Change of Pace For

The NBA has selected Drake to be their worldwide spokesperson. They selected Drake based on his maturity and self-service…to himself. #NBA

Drake court side rubbing the shoulders of Milwaukee coach Nick Nurse…..during the game.
  • Virgin Trains USA announced this week construction on its West Palm Beach to Orlando extension had officially begun on what it projects will be a four-year undertaking. Four years of construction to place railroad tracks for 170 miles or 42 miles per year. The total spend is $4 billion so my very smart (and very pretty by the way) CPA would tell me the cost is just under $24 million a mile. Say what? #VirginTrainsUSA
  • The stupid news is that thousands of people have ordered Samsung’s long-awaited Galaxy Fold, a $2000 phone that actually folds in half. When opened it supposedly mimics a 7″ tablet. The even more stupid part of this product launch are a couple of issues. One issue seems to be that the hinges to make the phone fold are not strong enough FOR THE PHONE TO ACTUALLY FOLD – which presents a major problem until you consider the second issue: the phone screen breaks after opening and closing the phone a few times. Samsung, in their infinite wisdom, has now posted a new product manager position on their website. A $2000 phone? Not happening. #Samsung #GalaxyFold
  • Little Rock, Arkansas newspaper front page story. Enough said.
  • On a serious note: For a many reasons, tomorrow is the most important Holiday in the United States.  Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May and was formerly known as Decoration Day.  Memorial Day commemorates all men and women who have died in military service for the United States.  If you have a flag, please honor our fallen veterans and fly your flag; if you don’t have one please go buy one.

Adios, have a Funday Sunday and a nice Memorial Day!

Emotion And Commitment. Trigger Points.

There Are Ups And Downs. Separate What You Wear On Your Sleeve.

By definition, emotion is “a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others”. Two of these three, circumstances and relationships, often feed the third, namely mood. Last night positive circumstance and relationship was in order as Jessica and David were married in a great ceremony and festive party at a great venue in Atlanta. Marriage, as we all know, can take on many paths with lots of changes and challenging barriers. The partners who are successful learn to navigate the paths of marriage with the commitment of the relationship in mind without bringing in the mood swings that, as mentioned above, derive from circumstances and situations. This wedding gave me (and maybe others) a chance to reflect on how important circumstances come into play with relationships. For personal reasons, I have actually put a lot of thought to circumstance, relationship, commitment, and mood. Last night’s wedding provided a beginning for two young people to create a great path of commitment. They have tremendous role models to lean on as they navigate the twists and turns of their marriage. To Jessica & David: the best of everything for you.

How often have you wished you had acted differently, said something differently, or better yet not said nothing at all? I have made these mistakes and maybe (or probably) rationalized that my actions or words were correct. In my case, I wear my emotions on my sleeve, which in sports and most business situations is probably a virtue. What I am trying to understand and learn is that the emotion I carry, as referenced above, can affect a commitment and relationship. I am a bit of a dichotomy (some of my friends may use other adjectives to describe me) as I am hard-charging in many aspects of my life, but in some ways I actually enjoy being in the in the shadows or background. I talk to people weekly to get their input and feedback on what I will in general call emotion, and many of the discussions have the same message, advice and outcome. The professionals call it ‘compartmentalizing’: the ability to deal with the emotional aspects of your life in a completely separate mind frame from your important relationships. The good news is that I have learned a lot by speaking with different people, and though their general message is a bit different from one another, the finite guidance is to distinguish and separate emotional trigger points from your personal commitment and relationship. It is not easy for me to write this as I am a relatively private person, but if this helps send a message to one very special person, or helps shed some light for others, all good.

Enjoy your week and always try to pay it forward.

Have A Funday Sunday!!

Sick & Pay. Rivalry Game. A Threat? Mom.

California: Get Your Education Code Changed. They Just Don’t Like Each Other. Not Detente. Honor Thy Mother.

You can paint this scenario anyway you want. Laws, policies and codes assist in governing our cities, states, and the country providing balance and guidelines for all of us. Sometimes, these parameters of the law should be just that, parameters that can be interpreted in different ways based on specific scenarios. Case in point: a second grade San Francisco teacher, who has fought breast cancer and is recently recovering from surgery, is now facing a financial dilemma that is both unnerving and ludicrous. Under the California Education Code, revised forty-three years ago, teachers in the state only receive 10 sick days per year. In addition, and this is where the Code is so sideways, teachers can also receive up to an additional 100 days of sick leave. This makes sense and seems equitable until the person on this extended sick leave has their pay reduced by as much as $240 per day… pay for their substitute. There may be other states with the same type of sick leave policy but this senseless code must be changed, and changed quickly. I cannot fathom what this California second grade teacher is going through while recovering from breast cancer and now dealing with a serious financial scenario. The governor of California is a former mayor of San Francisco. How about stepping in prevent this scenario from happening again?

Orlando City visits Atlanta United later today at Mercedes Benz stadium. It is Mother’s Day and Atlanta’s brass has made the decision to open the upper level for the game. That means as many as 70,000 people for this rivalry game – with a national television audience as well. I’ll go with a least three yellow and one red card in what was once the most heated rivalry in Major League Soccer. The billboard Atlanta United leased two years ago on I-4 near downtown Orlando may have fueled the fire just a bit. Orlando City, led by former Manchester United star Nani, is much improved over last year. Hopefully we will see a wide open match later today. #ORLCITY #ATLUTD

They have reared their ugly head again. Threats and posturing with the United States and our armed forces evokes bad memories of this once-thriving country. In reaction to troubling indicators and warnings from their leaders, U.S. Central Command has made the decision to move the USS Arlington and a Patriot missile battery to a strategic area near the Middle East. The Arlington joins the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group to help stand down these threats and aggressive posturing. The country I am referring to is Iran, with their dysfunctional leaders and military always brow-beating their Middle East neighbors. The above-mentioned battleships, as of yesterday, are now joined by as many as six B-52 bombers, capable of flying at 50,000 feet and able to deploy both nuclear and conventional weapons. They are now parked at Al Udeid Air Force Base in Qatar, a mere 20-minute flight to Tehran. God speed. #CentralCommand

U.S. Arlington now stands battleship ready in the Mediterranean Sea

Today is Mother’s Day. Yes, many of us live away from our mom, have had a contentious relationship with her, or like me, mom has passed on. With that said, whether your mom is still with us or not, don’t miss the opportunity to show your respect and appreciation for all moms today.
Mother’s Day became an official U.S. holiday in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May as a day of “public expression of our love and reverence for the mothers of our country.” I don’t know much about Woodrow Wilson, but as the 28th President, he led America through World War I, then subsequently provided the runway for a peace treaty and the formation of the League of Nations. I know of one north Atlanta family who has gathered in force to celebrate their mom and grandmas in a big way. Not all of us can gather in a similar way to this family, but at the very least, no matter the situation, call your mom and show your respect and appreciation. Just do it.

Happy Mother’s Day to All.

Adios and Have A Funday Mother’s Day!

The Center Is Better. Post Time.

So You Like Wine? And Down The Stretch They Come.

California – to many deemed as the “left coast” but since politics is a no go with this blog I will focus on the central coast of this massive state. San Luis Obispo, Cambria, Templeton and Paso Robles. From the coastline the drive inland is beautiful, with its rolling hills, farming estates, and wineries. Yes, Sonoma and Napa north of San Francisco are the well-known regions for tourists and their thirst for their favorite whites and reds. Reality: the much better and more beautiful area to visit wineries are found within a 30-mile radius of Paso Robles, a beautiful town surrounded by 250 wineries. If you are a fan of Sonoma and Napa, you will find the Central Coast region of California a refreshing change.

Kudos to Michelle and Sherman Thacher. They own and manage a beautiful winery just outside of Paso Robles encompassing 52 acres that closely resembles a sprawling Kentucky ranch. Along with their tasting room, wine club, and event facility, Thacher Winery and Vineyard hosts various events throughout the year. One of the events is yesterday’s Kentucky Derby party where club members pick up their wine but also participate in a wonderful party to enjoy the 145th Kentucky Derby race and festivities. A well-planned event with mint juleps, their great tasting wines, good food and music. When you are in the central coast of California, enjoy the wineries but make sure you spend time with the Thachers.

Traveling in California so cutting this post short – enjoy Cinco de Mayo and have a Funday Sunday.

Countdown To May.

Odds Are 10 to 1.

(10) x 2 = the number of Democrats running for President. No politics/no religion. Just a fact.

(9) Years ago it was 2010 and the United States economy was just beginning to recover. It has been on an amazing run for more than nine years.

(8) It has already been that number of years when Seal Team Six took down Osama bin Laden. Eight years ago this coming Thursday.

(7) Worn by: Mickey Mantle, John Elway, Phil Esposito, Cristiano Ronaldo, Nate ‘The Skate’ Archibald, David Beckham, and Pete Maravich.

(6) Goals scored by Atlanta United after seven games. This includes last night’s 1-0 win against win-less Colorado. After last year’s first seven games United had scored 17 goals. Head-shaking.

(5) Months to college football. Thankful for Major League and European soccer, as well as the NBA playoffs, to carry the spring and summer.

(4) Walking blocks south to Lake Eola, one of the better looking downtown parks in America.

(3) The number of people injured in this weekend’s terrorist hate crime in San Diego. There has to be a solution.

(2) KIds in Brooklyn living the dream. Do what you can while you can.

(1) Special lady.

Adios and Have a Funday Sunday!

Comeback. The Burn. Too Much Reading.

He Is An Enigma. Paris Sad. Where Are the Cliff Notes?

Last week I called out Tiger Woods. An enigma was what I called him. From his stringent upbringing, his personal strife, the million dollar endorsements, many incredible performances on the golf course, and his fight to recover from serious medical issues. For many years, Tiger Woods and the sport of golf intrigued me for two reasons: 1) though a decent athlete, with most sports coming relatively easy to me, I have always found it difficult to achieve a respectable score for eighteen holes. So I watch some golf, including last week’s final round of the Masters, to try and understand how really great these players are; 2) Tiger Woods. If he was in a tournament I tried to catch him playing in the final round – to witness his determination, drive, and passion to win. Not that Arnold and Jack were any less competitive but Tiger brought a whole new level of desire to dominate the sport. Last Sunday, Tiger again showed his remarkable attributes: physicality, desire, perseverance, and competitiveness. Earning his 5th green jacket for winning The Masters, Tiger stomped on every naysayer who predicted, some with glee, that he would never be the golfer he once was. Multiple surgeries on his back and knee stopped Tiger from playing. Even when he felt he was healthy enough to get back on the PGA Tour, his injuries limited what he could do on the golf course. But due to pure desire to again compete at the highest level, Tiger, at 43-years-old, won another green jacket. His first Masters win, at 21-years-old, was twenty-two years ago. To me, Tiger winning his 5th Masters is the greatest sports comeback….ever.

See the source image

I cannot pretend to be a historian or understand the details of world history. Sure, I have heard of and seen photos of Notre-Dame Cathedral, but until this week, for all the wrong reasons, I had no clue about the historical significance of the building. For those who are well aware of Notre-Dame facts and figures, my upfront apologies. For those of you who were unaware of the cathedral’s significance, here is ten seconds of info: Construction started 856 years ago, in 1163. The building is the most famous of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages, distinguished by it’s size, antiquity, and worldwide architectural interest. In 1805, the cathedral was declared a ‘Minor Basilica’, the honorary title for churches in Roman Catholicism. It is sad that my awareness was heightened only by last week’s devastating fire, but I do feel confident that the rebuild will yield another significant piece of architecture.

Notre-Dame de Paris, France.

We have heard about ‘the report’ for two years. Now that the 448-page document has been released for public review, can someone please send me the ten significant points contained in those 448 pages? Even if I had any level of interest in politics, I have neither the time or desire to read this ‘long-awaited’ report. I will presume that we all have a few better things to do on Passover and Easter weekend then read 448 pages of opinion and rhetoric?

Adios, have a great Easter and a Fun Weekend!

One Man’s Opinion.

My Take On Things I Think.

Julian Assange – the ultimate spoiled brat.

Brexit – paralyzation from over-analyzation.

Robert Kraft – a Super Bowl winner and a loser at the same time.

Measles – as mentioned last week, childhood diseases are back with a fury. If you live in the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn measles vaccinations are mandatory. J & D – get it done.

Atlanta United Wins! Interesting to ponder if last night’s game at New England would have gone in the same direction if Ezequiel Barco had not come on for the injured Eric Remedi? A road win and three points. As a friend texted me last night, United would have taken their first win against Roswell High School. Hoping that Remedi can recover from concussion-like symptoms soon.

CBS – both the online and television coverage of The Masters is about as good as it gets.

To the Bloomington, Minnesota police department – please put the man who tossed a five-year-old off the third story atrium in the Mall of America into general population. For as long as it takes.

The Trump Family – a hybrid – 50% Bundy and the other half the Adams family. Not Ted and not John.

Last Thursday Night’s Falcon Heavy Liftoff – amazing. #FalconHeavy

For Those in the Plains Dealing with a Foot of Snow – it is April 14! Atlanta is looking good at 80 degrees and Delray Beach at 85 degrees. Just sayin’.

Fake NewsBryce Harper – can you say self-centered? He signs a new contract with a new team. He schedules a personal vacation during the baseball season. In August. His contract: 13 years, $330M.

Not Fake NewsChris Davis – speaking of Major League Baseball, until last night, Davis had not had a hit in his last 49 at bats dating back to September of last season. He has not hit above .221 since signing a seven-year, $161 million contract, and he has surpassed 30 home runs just once. Since last September, 1 for 49.

Tiger Woods – the definition of enigma. Personal issues, health issues, injuries and surgeries…..and in contention going into the final round of the Masters.

Orlando Drivers – no clue and rude. Maybe it is the heat but if the lights are blinking and the gates are down you might want to stop somewhere other than on the railroad tracks?

Today’s Final Round at The Masters – even if you are not a golf fan, this 4th and final round is fun to watch. Note: due to weather, the final round started at 7:30am this morning.

Adios and Have a Funday Sunday!

Short Takes for the 1st Sunday of April.

Today’s Dozen To Ponder.

  • Your divorce settlement results in you losing $35 Billion of your net worth….but you are still the wealthiest person in the world.
  • I used to wonder about the sanity of the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). No longer, as the Florida Department of Transportation, with their I-4 lack of planning and foresight, makes the GDOT look like Einstein.
  • Tactically, I get that his impact is incredible at the 75th minute when the opponent’s defense is worn down. With that said, there has to be a way to get Orlando City’s Chris Mueller some more minutes on the field. This young kid, with guidance and a bit more quality, should certainly be considered for the U.S. Men’s National Team pool. #Chris Mueller
  • Joe Biden – I could care less about your politics, but your attempt at humor on Friday was demeaning and shameful. You are a leader?
  • Goalkeepers in the world of professional soccer, according to some pundits and backed up by analytics, reach their peak in their early 30’s and some play into the 40’s. On Friday, an Israeli professional team started a goalkeeper, who set a Guinness World Record, at the ripe age of 73. Yes, 73.
73-Year Old Goalkeeper Breaks Guinness World Record For Oldest Active Player To Play An Official Match
  • The Brexit drama. It is important but the process to make a decision is in a word: ridiculous.
  • For many years, even with a high level and presence of many game wardens, so-called hunters have been illegally entering South Africa’s Kruger National Park. They do so on foot to seek out and kill rhinoceros as their horns are for some reason treasured in many Asian countries. Yesterday, some of this barbaric poaching will undoubtedly come to an end. It seems like the Park’s rhinos have friends in their fellow elephants and lions. As a poacher was pursing a rhino for a clear shot, an elephant decided to take the law into its own hands. Yes, a very bad outcome for the poacher – I will not go into the gory details but it started with the elephant and was finished off by a family of lions. Hey morons…lesson learned?
A male lion in the wild
  • NATO has been around for seventy years – $10 to anyone, off the top of their head, who can give me three benefits of membership? Most people have no clue what the four letters stand for.
  • If the Atlanta Hawks tough season results in the silver lining of dealing for a top draft pick….will they select someone that could be the missing piece to a playoff run….and someone who will fill State Farm Arena? Can you say Zion Williamson? One of my supporting readers can certainly answer this question.
  • We have all been vaccinated against those long-forgotten childhood diseases…..or most of us anyway. Now, in 2019, the Centers for Disease Control (#CDC) reports that some of those are back. Bubonic plague, mumps, measles, tuberculosis, and scarlet fever – all with recently reported cases in the United States as well as worldwide. I am sure there is no correlation with me not feeling well after returning from a business trip to Mexico. 🙂
  • The best week of the Spring. This weekend’s men’s and women’s Final Four, Major League Soccer in full swing, the European leagues in their title races, this week’s Champions League and next weekend’s Masters.
  • The Atlanta Braves. They are cool again.

Adios and Have a Funday Sunday!

BBC. Three Strikes And Out. Fourth Time And Out. Don’t Foul. A 60-Day Snooze. 21 Million Strong. IPO Ride. No Win Situation.

Manage This. Brexit Exit? Is Four Days Too Long To Be Married? We Are Up By Three! Bedridden and Compensated. CDMX Very Nice. Lyft Going Public. A Very Tough Start.

BBC. Not the network in Great Britain, but the bad-behaving customer. You know who you are. You are self-absorbed, not a partner, and don’t care about your agency or service-provider’s welfare. You are disorganized, don’t plan, and try to pawn off business issues. You have limited business skills and have no idea of what and how to budget. All of us who provide top class goods and services have encountered you. A good start for those BBC’s is to start treating your partners they way you like to be treated. I always believe ‘what goes around, comes around’.

As mentioned last week, the neighbors across the Atlantic Ocean are still working how how, why and when to leave the European Union (EU). I guess to people outside of Great Britain it becomes a ‘who cares’ scenario, but eyebrows need to be raised regarding the $50 billion Britain will pay to leave the European Union, and the impact on trade and travel. Never mind how Britain and the EU will treat each other’s citizens, especially the impact on the people and economy of British controlled Northern Ireland. On Friday, for the third time, Britain’s Parliament again rejected Theresa May’s Brexit deal. Can you say massive mess? #Brexit

Speaking of a mess, Hollywood movie star Nicolas Cage is on the move again. His fourth marriage started eight days ago and lasted until Wednesday. Why waste time Nicolas?

March Madness made me mad. I am not sure of the exact scenario but I think I am spot on: UCF played the powerful Duke basketball team last Sunday in the NCAA playoffs. With time running down and UCF up by three, Duke’s superstar Zion Williamson drove the lane for what should have been an uncontested layup. That would have left UCF with a one point lead and by taking the ball out and calling time out, UCF would have been allowed to take the ball in at half court. Sounds like this makes sense, right? But no, UCF’s 7’6″ center challenges Zion at the basket and unbelievably fouls – and the layup is good. Zion sinks the free throw and the rest is history. Bad coaching or a dumb play by UCF? Someone enlighten me.

Do you like to sleep? Do you like the bed? Contact #NASA, who is paying women to stay in bed for 60 days to help them study how weightlessness affects the human body. The stipend: $18,500 for the two months of “work”. Anyone interested?

This massive city sits at an elevation of 7,300 feet. Mexico City, with its population exceeding 21 million, has once again become a travel destination for many around the world. I am in the Polanco district of the City, attempting to take in as many interesting parks, museums (OK, one) and monuments as possible. The Polanco district is absolutely beautiful, with its tree-lined streets and retail similar to what you would find on 5th Avenue or Beverly Hills. I only hope I have time to take it all in before I climb back on the plane to Orlando.

I know there a few ways to value a ride sharing service. With the initial public offering (IPO) of Lyft, another unicorn has amassed billions in valuation. Is there a discernible difference between Lyft and ride sharing leader Uber? Is the play to invest in Lyft and wait for Uber to convince the Federal Trade Commission to allow them to acquire/absorb their competitor? Friday’s IPO event – in a word, amazing.

Without a win after winning the Major League Soccer championship back in December. As mentioned in previous posts, the combination of a coaching change, the departure of Miguel Almiron to Newcastle, some injuries, and the ridiculous schedule of playing seven games in 24 days has taken its toll. After last night’s loss United as a bye week to try and work through a few issues. A tough situation to say the least. Too bad the summer transfer window does not open up until July 9.

Adios and Have a Funday Sunday!

Cancel This. March Madness. Brexit. Cord-Cutting. OCSC. Exposure. Shameful.

Read the Fine Print. We Got A Basketball Jones. Leave Or Stay…Just Make A Damn Decision. Bye Bye Cable. Winning On The Road. All Nine Children. Fill It Up.

  • The no-brainer of the week: many airlines are cancelling their orders for Boeing’s 737 Max aircraft. Something about the lack of consumer confidence.
  • The NCAA basketball tournament is fun – especially in these early games. UCF takes on Duke later today. UCF has their 7’6″ center playing very well but I am not sure he can deal with ‘The Zion’ from Duke. #ZionWilliamson
  • With all due respect to Great Britain….we have had enough of the drama of Brexit. Forget the politics and religion and get on with a decision that is fair and equitable. Just get on with it. #Brexit
  • The #2 no-brainer of the week: as I have mentioned more than once the days of staying wired to a cable company’s offering and ridiculous monthly pricing is steadily coming to an end. ‘Cutting the cord’ is now top of mind for many people, especially with digital offerings including the Amazon Fire Stick. Here are the latest metrics: People are fleeing expensive cable TV bills for digital media. They are cutting the cord in record numbers. According to research, net cable subscribers fell 4.1% during the last three months of 2018, a decline of 985,000 customers. This was reported in the February 22nd edition of Fortune. It is a no-brainer.
  • Orlando City Soccer Club (OCSC) – a force to be reckoned with? Yes, the New York Red Bulls roster was depleted due to injuries and international call ups, but going to Red Bulls stadium and winning on the road is huge. Nani, who has a massive international C.V., is now regaining his fitness and form. Dovetail his impact with a solid defense and a bit of luck and three points on the road is a great thing. Well done OCSC. Time to fill up Orlando’s awesome soccer stadium next weekend. #OCSC
  • The perfect parent story of the week: The esteemed Governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin, took his nine children to a neighbor’s home. Not so much for play time but to expose his children to chicken pox, as one of his neighbor’s children had contracted the virus. Oh, I get that you want to contract chicken pox as a child and not as an adult, but really Governor, that was your collective strategy? Can anyone say DFACS?
  • I attended the U.S. Men’s National Team (USMNT) match against Ecuador on Thursday night. A beautiful night at an outstanding venue with temperatures hovering around seventy degrees. The U.S. ended up winning 1-0 against what I thought was an uninspired Ecuador side. That was part of the story of Thursday night but the other story is the U.S. Soccer Federation, who for some reason feels it is necessary to charge very high ticket prices for U.S. National Team games. Yes the men’s national team, who fell out of favor with many American fans after their disastrous run up to last summer’s World Cup with the end result of not qualifying for the competition. No one can convince me that this model of not filling up stadiums, including the Orlando City stadium with a capacity of 26,000, is a best practice to build back the fans (and TV networks) confidence in the national team. U.S. Soccer: if the pre-sale is under 12,000 on the day of the game, how about reaching out to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Florida, or the other organizations that can fill the stands with appreciative children? Charging ridiculous prices for USMNT games and leaving thousands of seats empty is asinine. Yes, the other side of the stadium had the planned “fill the seats” strategy for ESPN’s cameras’ line of sight, but the other side of the stadium was no more than half full. Below is the photo I took one minute before kickoff. In one word: stupid. #USSF

Adios and Have a Funday Sunday!!