Short Takes That You Will Not Necessarily Agree With…..
Syria is still a disaster in many ways – get it fixed or get the hell out. No grey area.
Celebrating MLK’s anniversary of his assassination (50 years ago) – let’s move a lot of that energy spent on the celebrating to generating greater paths to civil rights.
To Leandro Gonzalez Pirez – I was a bit harsh on you in last week’s post after your debacle in Minnesota. Live and learn Leandro….and time to get yourself ready to get to the next level.
Alec Baldwin – nothing to do with your Saturday Night Live skits…but seeing you on the show last night reminded me of what a low life you really are. Anyone want to question my POV? Just ask me and I will give you some insight – and a discussion I had with him right after he publicly shamed his young daughter.
Bob Bradley – you were never known as a tactician and you proved it again last night.
The dichotomy of sports: today’s final round duel at the Master’s between America’s Patrick Reed and Ireland’s superstar Rory McIlroy…….and then seeing Johnny Manziel at yet another NFL tryout. Go away Johnny.
Snow in Chicago early this week and 100-degree temperatures in Palm Springs. Damn, this is a big country.
The company name is Orion Span and they have developed concepts for the first space ‘hotel’. I am very interested but I am not going first. The #Jetson’s are becoming more and more a reality every day.
It was not a small fishing vessel or a 120′ yacht. Went went missing, back on November 15, was the ARA San Juan, a German-built TR-1700 class submarine. A six-month search off the coast of Argentina has turned up nothing. This submarine gone missing brings back memories of the Malaysian airliner, carrying 239 people, that vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing over four years ago. I don’t get it.
Sports bars packed last last night to watch — UFC. Who would have thought?
Doctors, health consultants, trainers, physio’s, nutritionists and just about everyone telling us to cut sugars out of our diet. In one word: Not.
Adios and have a Funday Sunday!!!!