A Change of Pace For JustMyTake.net
The NBA has selected Drake to be their worldwide spokesperson. They selected Drake based on his maturity and self-service…to himself. #NBA
- Virgin Trains USA announced this week construction on its West Palm Beach to Orlando extension had officially begun on what it projects will be a four-year undertaking. Four years of construction to place railroad tracks for 170 miles or 42 miles per year. The total spend is $4 billion so my very smart (and very pretty by the way) CPA would tell me the cost is just under $24 million a mile. Say what? #VirginTrainsUSA
- The stupid news is that thousands of people have ordered Samsung’s long-awaited Galaxy Fold, a $2000 phone that actually folds in half. When opened it supposedly mimics a 7″ tablet. The even more stupid part of this product launch are a couple of issues. One issue seems to be that the hinges to make the phone fold are not strong enough FOR THE PHONE TO ACTUALLY FOLD – which presents a major problem until you consider the second issue: the phone screen breaks after opening and closing the phone a few times. Samsung, in their infinite wisdom, has now posted a new product manager position on their website. A $2000 phone? Not happening. #Samsung #GalaxyFold https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/galaxy-fold/
- Little Rock, Arkansas newspaper front page story. Enough said.
- On a serious note: For a many reasons, tomorrow is the most important Holiday in the United States. Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May and was formerly known as Decoration Day. Memorial Day commemorates all men and women who have died in military service for the United States. If you have a flag, please honor our fallen veterans and fly your flag; if you don’t have one please go buy one.
Adios, have a Funday Sunday and a nice Memorial Day!