
Memorial Day is all about Honor.

Quote of the Week: “Forgiving them is God’s function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting.” A quote attributed to General Norman Schwarzkopf in reference to the 9/11 perpetrators. Thank you, C.A., for reminding me of this quote.

For a many reasons, tomorrow is the most important holiday in the United States. Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May and was formerly known as Decoration Day. Memorial Day commemorates all who have died in military service for the United States. Tomorrow takes on additional significance with those around the world who have fallen in the wars in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, and in other countries in conflict.

Honor all of the fallen veterans and victims by flying your flag today and tomorrow. It is ALL ABOUT HONOR. We have all heard various renditions of the National Anthem, some good, some not so great. This young man’s version is excellent.

Adios, pay it forward, be safe, and pay tribute to Memorial Day!

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