Rebuttal. Seinfeld’s Take. Miami Vice. Pure Talent.

A Take on Guns and Abortion. Money. Crockett and Tubbs. Lou Rawls.

Quote of the Week: I love argument, I love debate. I don’t expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me, that’s not their job. – Margaret Thatcher

  • I asked for it, and I got it. Last week’s take on gun control and abortion spurred many comments, with three of them below. The first comment is from a college roommate who went on to earn his Masters and Doctorate at Duke University’s Divinity School. The second comment is from a longtime Atlanta friend who makes his point regarding mental health and school security. The third comment is from a southern gentleman and longtime friend who now lives in Savannah but spent a good bit of time living in Virginia and Atlanta. Thank you to everyone who commented. Gun control and abortion are divisive topics.

I beg to differ on one point. I’ve spent “some time” delving into religion and religious practices. Politics may surround the issue of gun control, but religion does NOT! There is no “God given” right to bear arms or own guns. There is no commandment or requirement in ANY religion (of which I’m aware) that says to be a good and faithful adherent to that religion, you must own a gun or any weapon. What has plagued and controlled our nation for far too long is Christian Nationalism. You do not have to be American to be Christian. You do not have to be Christian to be American. Likewise, you do not have to be Christian to be patriotic and you do not have to be patriotic to be Christian. We are NOT and have never been a “Christian Nation”. Our founders never intended for us to be a “Christian Nation”. Christian Nationalism has done great harm over the years, particularly to indigenous populations and any who live on the fringes of what society considers the norm. Christian Nationalism is a misplacement of faith priorities and usurps the rightful place of God in a believer’s heart. Thus, we live in a political morass where people and politicians posture with sacred texts and proclaim they speak with God’s blessing, or worse yet, they speak FOR God! As the saying goes, “I can do all things through a scripture verse taken out of context.”

Our schools are grossly underfunded as it is. Our grandson started kindergarten this year and had to spend over $170 for BASIC school supplies. We’re not talking fancy folders or the latest pair of Air Jordans! Paper, pencils, and other supplies that schools should provide. I have friends who are teachers who have told me how much the spend out of pocket, just to equip their classrooms. You want to take money from playground budgets and the PTA (you can sacrifice the landscaping)?? They are not just buying punch and cookies for the kids! The real question is why should we HAVE to take money from the budget to provide better metal detectors?? You are right (sort of) that guns, bombs, knives, etc. don’t kill people…. well actually they DO kill people…but people kill people because any dumbass can buy a gun unfettered and use it for nefarious means. Arming staff and adding more guns is like bringing gasoline to put out a bonfire! We are one of the most advance and smartest (debatable) nations in the world. Surely, we can come up with some reasonable policy to protect a reasonable person’s right to own a weapon AND better protect our children and citizens…. don’t you think? It won’t be foolproof… but maybe a start?

You want to follow the Bible? Beat your swords into plowshares. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s but render unto God what is God’s. God doesn’t want your guns.

I know you don’t like to talk about politics and religion, so I did it for you! 😉 Just MY take. Love ya, brother! The Reverend Dr. Kirk Oldham


So, I have said it before, and I will say it again…. guns, bombs, knives, cars, motorcycles…. don’t kill people…. people kill people! That said mental health is still a problem we are not addressing as a society! People that want to harm others will do so by any means. And as far as our schools go…. let’s take some money out of the landscaping and playground equipment budgets or fundraisers the PTA do….and have some better metal detection equipment and trained armed school resource personnel on site EVERY school day! Even if police react to calls of violence quickly…. they are still at a minimum of a few minutes away and that in most cases is too late!
RIP James Earl Jones a voice you could always easily detect!


Regarding abortion, we totally agree that this is a decision for states–getting the people closest to the impact of the decision to decide. People in Utah see it far differently than Californians. To decide a national fix prohibits this. I have also long felt that abortion as a means of contraception is abominable. Abortions should always be available for cases of rape, incest, and the health of the mother. Six weeks isn’t realistic as most may not even know they are pregnant at that time. Fifteen weeks has always seemed to be a good compromise deadline (inadvertent bad pun). We were living in VA when the Governor sure as hell said you could kill the infant after birth under certain cases, just as Trump said in the last debate. It was part of the law the Governor was trying to pass.Tom A.

  • Staying above the fray is a cliche’ usually said to remind everyone that though many things around the world are sad and sideways, it is important to stay very positive, vigilant, and resilient. The headlines last week:
  • Study Suggests ‘Third State’ of Existence Beyond Life and Death
  • Exploding Pagers and Walkie-Talkies
  • Alleged Black Nazi to be North Carolina’s governor?
  • U.S. ranks last in health care compared with nine other high-income countries.
  • The Insurrectionists Next Door
  • The Chicago White Sox Could Set a Record for Most Losses in a Season.

Let’s all stay above the fray.

Quote of the Week v.2: Consuming full-fat milk products could help stave off disease’s seniors are more prone to, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. – Tufts University Medical Center 🙂

  • Jerry Seinfeld was right. American culture has continued to change at a rapid pace. The 1970s were a time of political upheaval, inflation, and energy crises. The 1980s saw a rise in conservatism, materialism, and consumerism. As the 70s turned into the 80s, it did become all about who you were, how much money you had, and what you were able to obtain with your money. Forty years later, how do you define today’s culture, technology, and music?

  • Speaking of the 80’s, Jerry Seinfeld was correct that the 80’s were not only about money, but who knew, how cool your job was, defined by the NBC weekly show, Miami Vice. The show aired on Friday nights, and I do not know about you and your friends, but my friends and I NEVER missed an episode. Yes, I was raised in Miami, so maybe there was some bias towards Miami Vice, but to me this TV show had production quality better than most current films.

Most people today will never get a sense of what a watershed moment the 80’s provided. Up until the Miami Vice series there was nothing that came close to the music and outstanding videography. Miami Vice was the epitome of the 80’s, and this scene below, with Tubbs slowly loading his shotgun, was on a different level. It did not matter if you drove a Honda Accord or Ferrari, driving in the 80’s at night while listening to the epic Phil Collins song was all about that place and time in Miami. It was not about money – it was all about being cool.

The scene below from Miami Vice: From the epic music to the telephone booth, the hairstyles, the clothes, and the neon, these four minutes sum up the 80s like no other. This show, and this scene, was all about tension, perfect pacing, perfect angles, little talking, and big emotions. This weekend marks the forty-year anniversary of Miami Vice – yes, 40 years.

Jerry Seinfeld was right about both the 70s and 80s.

Pure Talent. Speaking of the 70’s and 80’s, this magical singer was the definition of being cool. His style, his presence, and voice made Lou Rawls an international star, including this appearance on the TV show, Soul Train. Lou Rawls was Pure Talent.

Adios, pay it forward, be safe, and have a Sunday Funday!

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