My POV. What’s Yours?
- Racism and bigotry make me sick. I am not going to lecture or go “Gandhi” with this take. I try not to pass judgement and do understand the freedom of speech. What I do not understand are the people who hide behind social media to racially abuse others. Racism is not confined to the United States – it is a worldwide problem and issue that is sad and alarming. I was particularly disgusted last week with the reported racial taunts directed at three young men that play for England’s national team. These three men, tremendous players who represented their country at the European Championships, unfortunately did not convert their penalty kicks in the final match against Italy. The racial barrage that followed the match, directed towards these three, were in a word shocking. I am not going to comment on what content social media platforms should allow or prohibit, but I will hope and pray that this type of racial abuse stops once and for all. I bought this shirt yesterday – how about you?
- Al Gore has tried to educate the world about global warming. I have never paid any attention to his platform and the subject matter. Nothing to do with politics…the issues of global warming previously did not resonate with me. The reports coming out of Antarctica regarding the rapid loss of ice is alarming. Since 1990, Antarctica has lost roughly three trillion tons of ice. Today, the rate of loss is accelerating as warm ocean water melts and destabilizes the floating ice shelves that hold back West Antarctica’s glaciers, causing those glaciers to flow more quickly into the sea. Alarming to say the least. Then, last week, scientists blamed massive floods in western Germany and eastern Belgium on the slow progression of global warming. It is unfortunate that addressing this issue involves politics, but for the sake of generations to come, it seems like the issue needs to be addressed, and addressed now.

- I find the three headlines below so ironic. Here we are, in July of 2021, seventeen months after the United States, and the world for that matter, basically shut down. Now, after all that time, we are trying to get back to normal with airline passenger traffic back to pre-pandemic levels. You would think that passengers would be grateful to be back flying to their destination of choice – maybe not so much.
– Investigations Into Unruly Airline Passengers Have Increased Since 2020
– American Airlines Passenger Duct-Taped to Chair After Trying to Open Door
– Passenger Opens Plane’s Emergency Exit Door To Get Fresh Air
- At least Richard Sherman apologized and at least with the media, expressed remorse for his actions and behaviors. The five-time Pro Bowl defensive back was arrested last week and was charged with criminal trespass in the second degree with a domestic-violence element; reckless endangerment of roadway crews, driving under the influence, resisting arrest and malicious mischief with a domestic-violence element. It does not matter if Sherman is alcohol-dependent or not, his mental capacity and possible illness is alarming. Sherman is a free agent and after this incident the optics would look really bad for another NFL team to add him to their roster. Sherman, by the way, is a Vice President of the NFL Players Association. So very sad.
- The Summer Olympic Games start this Friday. I always look forward to the Olympic Games, with names like Peggy Fleming, Mark Spitz, Bruce Jenner, and Jesse Owens forever embedded in my mind. Simone Biles, regarded as the greatest gymnast to ever roam the earth, will again represent the United States in Japan. She is a remarkable athlete and her performances are eye-opening. The two-minute video below is her floor exercise where she does the unreal at the beginning and end of her routine. Here is to Simone bringing home the GOLD!