A Game Changer. “I Quit.” Our Tax Dollars At Work. What Our Parents Told Us. Thoughts And Prayers.
- Just when you think former President Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars program was “pie in the sky” – here comes the next advent of airborne defense systems. It seems like the Israelis have developed a weaponized laser system that they have initially tested on drones. The Israeli Air Force brass is calling this massive breakthrough “an effective apparatus that will intercept long-range threats at high altitudes regardless of weather conditions. ” There is no doubt that the United States will follow suit with this type of weapon – one that may quickly change the face of air defense systems.
- Maybe time is the answer? After months pass by, or maybe a year, the playing field will hopefully level out. I am referring to people, by the thousands, deciding to quit their jobs while employers, especially in the hospitality industry, are practically begging people to come and work. Bloomberg reported that four million people quit their jobs in April – for reasons that included their preference not to go back to their offices (and their commute to and from), to feeling uncomfortable working in the hospitality industry and dealing with unruly customers. After taking a look at different opinions on the subject, I feel like this comment best sums up the situation: “We have changed. Work has changed. The way we think about time and space has changed,” says Tsedal Neeley, a professor at Harvard Business School and author of the book Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding From Anywhere. Workers now crave the flexibility given to them in the pandemic — which had previously been unattainable.” Will this mindset become the status quo, or will time heal all?
- What really is ‘due process?” I believe strongly in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but I am having a very difficult time with the ‘due process’ that will be afforded to Othal Wallace. Wallace is not a first-time offender of the law. Wallace belongs to a militia-hate group. Last week, after being pulled over by a Daytona Beach police officer, Wallace shot the officer in the head, tore off his body camera, got back in his car and fled the scene. After a massive manhunt from hundreds of law enforcement officers, Wallace was found hiding outside of Atlanta – with an armory of guns, ammunition, and body armor. When arrested, Wallace stated “You guys know who I am. You know what I am capable of. It could’ve been a lot worse.” It could have been worse? Worse than you shooting a police officer in the head and leaving him to suffer on the street?
I am having a very difficult time reconciling the ‘due process’ that will be afforded to this low life of a human. It is more than just our tax dollars that will be used to try and convict Wallace. It is more about the reality, the process, and the disgust I feel towards this coward of a man. It is how I feel about that police officer, fighting for his life, with his family by his hospital bedside. Some of my close friends would say “fry him”…but to me that process just takes too damn long.
- A friend reminded me of the directives (myths) our parents, teachers and coaches gave us at one time or another.
- Waiting to swim for at least thirty minutes after eating – no, no, and not necessary. This myth probably started a hundred years ago but healthcare specialists stated that swimming after eating is not dangerous.
- If you go outside with wet hair on a cold day, you will catch a cold – that is not going to happen as colds are caused by viruses. You might shimmy and shake, but catching a cold is a myth.
- Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis – debunked. After years of study, hand doctors found no correlation. Thankfully.

- It is interesting how your mind works. After last week’s devastating collapse of the north Miami condominium building, my mind flooded with thoughts and images of what everyone affected is going through. What crossed my mind? Sadness and heartbreak. I am a Miami native. The building I live in, near Lake Eola in downtown Orlando, was one of the first high rises built in this area. There are active and ongoing structural repairs taking place on my building in the lower-level garage under the pool deck. Yes, the mind sometimes goes into the scramble mode.
My thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by the building collapse.